List of Books and Articles

Earthquake, Hail, & the Day of the Lord

Collection of Scriptures that help us understand the references in Revelation

Jesus is Greater Than the Temple

Why did Jesus say this and what did He mean?

Map of Jerusalem and Surrounding Area Map of Middle Israel

Matthew 12 - Gospels Parallel

Verse by verse study of the gospel of Matthew 12 with parallel verses from the other gospels

Matthew 13 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of the gospel of Matthew compared to parallel verses in the other gospels

Matthew 14 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of the Gospel of Matthew 14 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels

Matthew 15 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of the gospel of Matthew 14 with references to the other gospels

Matthew 16 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 16 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 17 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 17 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 18 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 19 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 20- Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 21- Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 22- Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 23 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 24 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 25 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 26 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 27 - Gospels Parallel

A verse by verse study of Matthew 18 with references to parallel verses in the other gospels.

Matthew 28 - Gospels Parallel

The gospel of Matthew, Chapter 28, with the parallel passages from Mark, Luke and John.

Paul's Second Missionary Journey - Map

Map of Paul's Second Missionary Journey


Who were the Pharisees?

Philip and Ethiopian Eunuch

Possible Road He Took

Prayer Outline

An Outline of Things to Help You Prepare to Enter God's Presence

Psalm 27 - Parallel

How to Study the Psalms

Rev. 7 - Numerology of the number 144,000

An Example of How Numerology might be used to decipher the meaning of numbers. As you can see, it is very subjective. These same numbers can be put together differently to achieve a totally different result, one that is almost the opposite of this example.

Rev. Chapter 2 Part III

The Church at Pergamum

Revelation 1:12 - 2:2 (8/26/2021)

A Verse by Verse Examination of the Book of Revelation

Revelation Ch 1 Part II - Comments

Materials Used in the Class 8/11/2021

Revelation Chapter 2 - Comments

Verse by verse commentary on Chapter 2 of Revelation


Why Did The Pharisees Ask Jesus for a Sign?

The Great Multitude in Heaven

Comparison of Rev. 7 and Rev 19

The Millennial Kingdom

Some Scriptures and Writings From the Early Church

The Plan of the Temple

Drawing by Alfred Edersheim

The Sabbath

What is the Sabbath and did Jesus violate the Sabbath?

Truth Scriptures

The Importance of Always Representing the Truth