The apostle Paul teaches us that God has made His grace super-abound to us. (Rom. 5:20). It overflows and can overwhelm us. It is this super-abounding, overflowing grace that is the subject of this site.
Sometimes, the heart is so full, that it spills over and spreads to those around. Joy is like that. It is infectious. The Proverbs tell us that a “Merry heart does good, like a medicine.” Pv. 17:22. It is good for us; it is good for others around us.
This my first blog. Some of my friends have asked me why I am doing this. Do I think that I am so clever or entertaining that others will want to read it? Not really. I have thought about it carefully. In the end, what is clear to me is that my heart is full to overflowing. Like the Psalmist, my heart overflows with a good theme: The Love and Grace of God! Like flowing water, seeking an outlet, I am writing to allow this grace to spill out. I cannot help myself. God has been so good that I must declare it.
I have been richly blessed. I see His grace and goodness everywhere I look. I have experienced His faithfulness and love, and my heart is full. “My cup overflows.” (Ps. 23)
You might think that my life is an exception. You may look at your life and see only difficulties, pain and disappointments. But I am not an exception.
My life has not been free of trials and hard times. I have had my share . . . maybe more than average. But through all of it, God has been faithful. In fact, it is because of these trials that I have seen his faithfulness.
Isaiah, when discussing the faithfulness of God in times of trouble, said: “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” My wife, Janet, says the most amazing things. She pointed out that this verse does not say “if” you go through troubles, but “when.”
We all experience pain and trouble in our lives on earth. Jesus told us, “In this world, you will have difficulty, but don’t fear, I have overcome the world.”
God’s grace and the signature of His love and faithfulness are all around us, but in our pain and disappointment, we just don’t see them.
It is my hope and most urgent prayer that the Holy Spirit will touch your hearts and help you to see how much God has done for you and continues to do for you.
Author: William Bell
Date: March 29, 2020, 1:37 p.m.